Monday, February 22, 2010


It's awfully quiet on here. 2010 has been off to a couch-potato start. Yup that's me. Slow but steady. Depressed at times but definitely trudging. Right now, I'm more than fine. Work is stressful but nothing unmanageable. Personal life? Too chill I can't even remember the last time I threw up. Oh yeah, I remember now. I did dream of this kind of lifestyle: slow, slow, slow. However, I didn't ask for the routine part. I can't get over this routine thing. I used to be this person who never had the time to slow down, always on the go. And now, it's proving to be very difficult to finally be on the other side of the fence. Time and time again things like this remind me how to be careful about the things I wish for, things I thought I'd never be... yada yada...

Good thing I went out Saturday night. Good thing I went shopping like I never shopped before. (yes, because now I finally mustered the courage to shop in the mall) Good thing there's supposed to be a summer get away with high school friends again. Good thing I have napkins on. Good thing we might visit Baguio soon. Good thing I finally admitted I'm such a worrywart. Oh good things!

Bad thing is this is such a lame entry. hahaha I'll lull myself to sleep watching SATC for a change.

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